Essays on Infinite Lifespans
Shannon Vyff
that life extension diet Id heard of back in high school. That
is how I picked up the book Beyond the 120 Year Diet by Roy
Walford, M.D. when my third baby was four months old.
As I was still breastfeeding and still had the post-pregnancy
slimming hormones, I did lose weight more rapidly than is
recommended for CR. I lost 85 pounds in six months, but
a much more gradual decrease is recommended. One should
consider losing large amounts of weight (perhaps over 40+
pounds) over 24+ years or consider losing weight no faster
than a pound per month. This is because the release of toxins
stored in the bodies fat tissues and the stress of the weight
loss on the system could foil extending life span in ones final
years. [5] When I was beginning the diet I used software to
help me balance what nutrients I needed. I started making
mega-muffins for my family to eat (like human lab chow with
organic chocolate chips thrown in for my kids to eat them).
[6] I found that as my weight came off I had more energy and
clearer skin.
Usually, by now, people want to know why I want to follow
what they see as an extreme diet. Saying that it is the only
scientifically proven way to extend my life [7], hormones,
anti-oxidants, exercise or high carb/low carb diets generally
are not enough. Usually people express that I must have iron
will power and torture myself with hunger, something they
could never do. I assure them that for me it is easy; there is
great support from the CR Society. People do it many differ-
ent ways. I recommend The Anti-Aging Plan by Roy & Lisa
Walford for an easy to read beginners introduction, though
Beyond the 120 Year Diet [5] has better detail & more current
science references.
As I became enamored with the science of CR, and embarked
on it as a way of life, I started seeing more references to it in
popular culture. [8] The ongoing experiments in primate &
human studies also made it very real for me. The National